
NITIM Summer School 2019, France

Published on 11. Juni 2019

The NITIM Graduate Summer School is an international PhD school that focuses on topics in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation and technology management as well as information and communication technologies. This Summer School is organized once a year in cooperation with the ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference and thus takes place at changing locations – e.g. 2016 in Trondheim (Norway), 2017 in Madeira (Portugal) and 2018 in Konstanz (Germany). In 2019, it will be held in Nice, France.

The NITIM Summer School is a non- profit organization that is supported by a large faculty consisting of professors with various backgrounds from all over the world. The NITIM Schools facilitate the development of doctoral research in the interdisciplinary field of Networks,

Information, Technology and Innovation Management, bringing together PhD candidates and faculty members in a focused, in-depth, and constructive discussion of the candidates’ research work. On this occasion, the NITIM Summer School 2019 is hosted by the ERPI Laboratory with the support of the scientific pole EMPP of the Université de Lorraine. Each year an academic agenda is designed aimed at providing a meaningful experience for participants. For this reason, it is an honor to welcome this year’s lecturers.


Lead Lecturer

Prof. Laure Morel, full professor and Director of the Ecole Nationale en Génie des Systèmes Industriels (The Industrial Engineering School of the University of Lorraine – Nancy, France), and researcher and former Director of ERPI Laboratory (Research Team on Innovative Processes).

Laure Morel is also Honorary Professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Likewise, she is co-creator of Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab (2008) and co-founder of Lorraine Fab Living Lab® (2014).
Prof. Morel has led research on innovation engineering and the development of decision support tools for more than 20 years. She is one of the team members who invented the “PII – Potential Innovation Index” method used by Innovation Way.
Also, she is a member of the French delegation to the “ISO TC 279- Innovation Management Systems” Committee and is particularly active in the “Assessment” group; manager at Research Network on Innovation; and Vice-President of IAMOT. Additionally, she co-creates the start-up: www.innovation-

Guest Lecturer

Laurent Dupont, Eng. PhD. co-founder and scientific manager of the Lorraine Fab Living Lab®, ERPI Laboratory, Université de Lorraine.

Laurent is senior researcher at ERPI, lecturer at ENSGSI and visiting lecturer at TELECOM Nancy. He is the co- founder (2014) and scientific manager of the Lorraine Fab Living Lab®, the ERPI research platform for prospective assessment of innovative usages and innovation acceptability. He is also the co-creator (2008) and scientific coordinator of Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab (ENoLL member since 2010), an interdisciplinary project involving several laboratories and other public and private partners. He designs, implements and evaluates new processes, based on collaborative innovation involving users, companies and territories, generating smart and sustainable Cities. L. Dupont is member of ICE / IEEE ITMC International Organizing Committee, International Conference on Technology, Engineering & Innovation. He is member of the scientific council of VRIC (Laval Virtual). For its university, L. Dupont leads the H2020 INEDIT Project (2019-2022) and he is member of the H2020 Smagrinet project (2019-2021).

Guest Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolfgang Pickl was born in Darmstadt, Germany on 29th September, 1967. He studied mathematics, electrical engineering and philosophy. He is member of NITIM since 2011; he is officially connected with the former institute of Bernhard Katzy at LIACS in Leiden since 2008. In 2000 Mr. Pickl received the PhD-Thesis award by the German Society for Operations Research.

He is board member of the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV). There, he is mainly engaged in the development of resilient systems and integrated assessment models. He founded the competence center COMTESSA with a focus on Safety & Security. From 2013-2018 he was international coordinator of the innovative security projects RIKOV and REHSTRAIN (Resilience of the Franco-German High Speed Train Network). Prof. Dr. Stefan Pickl is Honorary Chair at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.

Two and a half days of hard work, academic reflection and looking ahead. Below you can take a look at the program of this year’s edition:

Furthermore, the NITIM Schools is all about a community. This PhD consortia is the opportunity to meet a great group of people who is open to share their ideas, knowledge and experiences. Network members include PhD candidates, alumni, faculty and industry partners in over 10 countries around the world, representing over 20 nationalities.

Finally, we would like to present this year’s organization team:

Local Chairs

Brunelle Marche, Laurent Dupont & Mauricio Camargo (Université de Lorraine, FR)

Program Committee

  • Roland Ortt (TU Delft, NL)
  • Stefan Klein (Universität Münster, DE)
  • Guido Baltes (HTWG Konstanz, DE)
  • Hanna Bahemia (Newcastle University, GB)
  • David Romero (Tecnológico de Monterrey, MX)
  • Francesc Miralles (La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, ES)

School Chair

Ferney Osorio (Université de Lorraine, FR)

If you want to know more about the NITIM Community, please feel free to contact us at or visit our website

© Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg 2023